Spouse Troubles

Insights, Reflections, and Renewal for Couples


The Mindfulness Prayer for a Heavenly Destiny

Oh, Heavenly Father,  Help me to watch my emotions, for they will become my thoughts. Help me to watch my thoughts, for they become my words. Help me to watch my words, for they become my actions. Help me to watch my actions, for they become my habits. Help me watch my habits, for they […]

Stages of Marriage

Everyone knows marriages have ups and downs. This is not just month to month or year to year. In a larger sense, there is actually a very predictable pattern in every marriage. First comes idealization and passion. Everything is wonderful. Second, disillusionment. A realization that everything is not perfect. There are faults in your partner […]

Forgiveness Exercises — Get the Toxic Fumes Out of Your Relationship

Do you have trouble forgiving?  Do resentments and fears over past issues plague your relationship(s)? Forgiveness is essential to healthy relationships.  So, if you are having trouble letting go of resentments and renewing trust, check out some of these exercises: Exercises in Forgiveness | Seattle Christian Counseling Five Forgiveness Exercises for Couples | Psychology Today […]

Three Inescapable Relationship Laws

Opening yourself up to a true intimate relationship can be scary.  We all want to protect ourselves from being hurt, from being judged, from being rejected . . . and sometimes, from being fully known.   There are weaknesses, addictions, petty feelings, and dark places that we may want to hide. A loved one recently explained […]

The Demanding Spouse

“She’s a demanding wife.”  Or, “He’s a demanding husband.” We’ve heard these phrases, which are usually criticisms.  And while there are certainly over demanding husbands and wives, certainly there are also cases where spouse have legitimate desires and expectations that are being so ignored that a “demand” to give them attention is not only appropriate, but just. […]

A Bitter and Conflicted Wife

My wife is conflicted. On one hand, we have two unplanned children whom she dearly loves. On the other hand, we have two unplanned children who have “derailed” her career plans because she doesn’t want to put the youngest in daycare.  She already put off her career for the five oldest, but that was according […]

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