Spouse Troubles

Insights, Reflections, and Renewal for Couples

history of sexual abuse

Extraordinary Reasons for Sexual Problems in Marriage

Every marriage goes through cycles of intimacy. Sometimes we will feel close to each other and yearn for ever more emotional, physical, and spiritual intimacy.  At other times, we will feel that we are drifting apart.   If the drift apart becomes too severe, we may actually begin resent our spouse’s efforts to renew and […]

When a History of Sexual Abuse Impacts Marital Intimacy

Trust is vital to marital intimacy. Unfortunately,  sometimes through no major fault of a spouse, trust may be lost — or at least buried–beneath feelings of anxiety, fear, or even an emotional shut down. Why?  Because past hurts caused by other people can become mentally associated with one’s spouse.  Once these links are made, even […]

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